Sunday 5 June 2011

Monday Mornings

They can be bitter sweet. Bitter because you have to get back to all the work you havent completed just when your body is getting used to the weekend rest. And sweet because work is good!

If its more bitter than it is sweet, I'll advice that you pretend it's Wednesday.

Enjoy your monday, you desrve to...

When you have a terrible crush...

Ladies. We all get that terrible crush every now and then. When a particular cute guy keeps making our hearts skip a bit by just walking by.
You spend extra time on your make up thinking "I just might see him today." And sometimes we are just too shy to say hi, other times we cant bring ourselves to say more than "hi".
Well if you find yourself in that category, I have a few tips for you to turn that crush into your date.

Are you still reading?


First of all, I always recommend a background check. Do some sleuthing. Is he married? Does he have a girlfriend? Fiancee? Any criminal records? never know.Do you have anything in common.

Now listen carefully, finding common ground is really important for those moments when there's an awkward silence. Just fill the air with sports talk or something you both love.

So let me create a scenario:

There's this guy you totally like and you think he might like you too but thats all there is to it. You only see him in the corridor or elevator at work or school.

Now here's what you do after the background check and you're sure he's safe territory:

Get him to talk with you. About something, anything.

For the shy girl - Leave an unimportant ID card (emphasis on unimportant, maybe an expired one) or something with your name written on it in a place where he can find it. So he has to come looking for you. When he does find you, pretend it's a really important one and thank him profusely. Make sure you have planned out your follow up conversation based on your common ground.

For the bold girl - Do not come on strong. Just walk up to him and ask him for help with something that has to do with your common ground make sure it's going to take some time.

And ladies, remember, if he doesn't share the affection, let him go and keep your head high.